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Account Creation

Getting started with Email API requires setting up a MailChannels account. During account creation, you will provide a valid credit card and an email address that is not hosted on a free service like Gmail.

  1. To get started, visit the sign-up page, entering your business email address, setting up an initial account password, and providing your company name.

  2. When signing up, you will be asked to provide a valid credit card. Your credit card will not be charged unless you purchase a paid service from us; however, the card must be valid at the time of sign-up as part of our efforts to combat fraud and misuse of the service. Note: Your credit card number is safe with MailChannels: we don't store it. Instead, our PCI DSS-certified billing partner stores a token allowing us to charge your card if you purchase services from us in future.

  3. After submitting the form, assuming there wasn't a problem with the details you provided, you'll receive an account activation email. Click the link in the activation email message to activate your account.

  4. Once your account is activated, you can log in any time by visiting the MailChannels Console at using the email address and password provided in the first step above.

The MailChannels Console simplifies the management of your MailChannels email infrastructure, letting you monitor your email performance, view account activity such as message logs, examine alerts, and manage API keys.